Monday, July 19, 2010

Love/Hate Mondays

***This is a disclaimer: I am refusing to worry about punctuation/grammar on LOVE/HATE Mondays, I have always hated these two things when I am writing for my own purposes. This means if you are an English buff, you are probably going to throw up in your mouth while reading this, because I use commas where they are not suppose to and all my sentences are to long.{Jae Morton do not even think about proof reading this}***

I have a love/hate relationship with Mondays, so I have decided to fix [well maybe not fix but share] this by making a list of random things that I either hate or love or both.

I love the fact that I did an entire exercise video last night (Leslie Sanosone's Walk Away The Pounds Express = awesome)

I hate to sweat and I did a lot while doing the video last night, I mean seriously who would of thought that walking at different paces would do that to m

I love/hate budgeting, I love sitting down and figuring them out to see how much money we can save at the end of the week but I hate following/sticking to the actual budget.

I hate laundry which I always seem to do a lot of it on Mondays for some reason.

I love the fact that I had the time to rearrange Carolines room yesterday and got add all the little tweaks that I have been collecting for a while.

I love/hate staying up after everyone goes to bed. I love it because it is quite and I can stalk all my blogs without being interrupted but I hate it because I go to bed way to late and since everyone else in the house went to bed early they of course rise early which mean I have to rise early as well.

I love Tuesday and Thursday because those are Jaes days off and on those days he gets up with the kiddos and does fun outside things with them while I sleep in.

I love/hate eating at home, we eat out a lot but since the B WORD (budget) has come into our lives we have not been eating out as much. I love eating at home because we do not have to constantly say sit down, you have to stay in your high chair, do not talk so loud...well you get the point it is just easier in a sense. But I hate eating at home because I have to cook and clean up the mess from cooking which takes time away from hanging out with the kiddos.


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